The Best. You. Yet.

join OUR community

Participate in weekly coaching sessions and feel supported as you hit the reset button on life and grow alongside ambitious women.

The #1 Community for High-Performing Women to Take Back Control of Their Time, Happiness & Well-Being.

hey there!

You're in the right place.

If You're Looking to Level-Up Your Life

Grow &
Learn together.


Time for to pour into You.

We are a community of women dedicated to living in line with our values, making time for whats most important and prioritizing our health, happiness and fresdom. 

Recognizing that becoming the best version of ourselves has a positive ripple effect on our kids, clients and people we care about the most.

As a collective, we boldly pursue our goals, offer unwavering support to one another, and wholeheartedly live out the dreams that the Lord put in our hearts. 

Maybe you're already feeling it.

You put so much pressure on yourself to do it all and prove that you CAN do it.

...when deep down, your head is barely above water. Struggling to prioritize you, your goals and everything else you care about. Your health, your family, your peace. 

Maybe you're feeling like this is just the way life is supposed to be? Because when you look around you see everyone else is barely keeping it together too.

Some (most) days you feel like you have nothing left, and even if you did you wouldn't know where to start

As a women, you're at high-risk for burnout.

here's the thing...

This is so me! I want in.

If you can't remember the last time you put yourself first....

...or you're struggling with
where to start.

...or even if you did know where to start, how do you find the energy?
Take a Deep Breath.... I got you.

If you've ever thought to yourself "Why can't I get my life together when everyone else seems to have it all figured out?" or questioned if it's even possible to carve out time for your health and happiness amid the juggling act of kids, work and all the responsibilities?

The answer is a resounding YES. It's entirely possible, you just need a tried and true system and proven habits so you're focusing your efforts in the right direction.

If you've ever thought to yourself, "Why can't I get my life together when everyone else seems to have it all figured out?" or questioned if it's even possible to carve out time for your health and happiness amid the juggling act of kids, work and all the responsibilities?

The answer is a resounding YES.

and I promise you're not alone.


 I've been there...

Not that long ago,
I was in the exact
same place as you.

I can help because i've been there

I knew I was strong, capable, and willing to do the work, but I didn't know where to start. I didn't have the tools, habits, accountability or support. If you're anything like me, you need a little help getting out of your own way, you need a proven strategy to follow.

I believe to my core you are worthy of every desire you have in your heart and It's 100% possible when you have the right women surrounding you, the mentors to guide you and the habits to support you.

...and  that's exactly what we do inside of The Best. You. Yet. Community. 

hey I'm mere!

join our community today!

get instant access! →

Imagine a place where... can be as bold and unapologetic about the dreams you have in your heart knowing you'll be supported and uplifted by every women in the room. can openly chat about the your struggles, obstacles and the parts of life, work and motherhood that make you go "What The..." With the assurance you'll have the wisdom and resources to guide you through those challenging times. embrace your full potential, you overcome self-doubt. You no longer feel guilty for taking me-time and instead feel empowered to take action because you're surrounded by women who believe in you. don't have to have it all together. Instead, it's a space where we all move towards our goals faster and with less resistance because we have each other by our side every. step. of. the. way.

if thats the life you've been missing, YOU CAN START TODAY!

The best. you. yet. is for women just like you

"Mere helped me by giving me tools to help me be my best self. She showed me ways to help me find purpose, how to set boundaries so that I am making the most of my life, not only for myself but for my family and friends.
Her constant encouragement has led me to a healthier and infinitely happier person. I am so grateful to her and can't wait to continue this journey."

" I have been reflecting a lot these past 2 days and everything you have taught me has helped me reach my goals. Seeing my results has humbled me... i am so thankful for you, don't stop doing what you love. You are moving moutains and helping us move them too!"

"WOW! 5 days with Meredith and I am a new ME. I can’t thank her enough. Meredith’s caring, energetic but compassionate attitude is absolutely infectious! After speaking with her daily, I felt ready to take on the world…but in small, practical steps to help be the best version of me. I am so glad I signed up for VIP! It was invaluable and LOVED every minute of the individual time I got to spend with her. I never felt time was a factor, she gave 100% of her attention and her advice was tailored to my specific challenges and goals. Most importantly, I had a realistic and clear plan that was obtainable and not overwhelming. I have already seen big results with small daily changes. Thank You Meredith."

-Amy B.

-Breanne K.

-Amy T.

Prioritize you again

stop letting life + your own excuses get in the way

Own your full potential

be unapologetically you

be more disciplined + HELD accountable

If YOu want to

THis community is for you...

Taking care of you is not selfish; it's necessary. When you prioritize your well-being + happiness, you not only become a better mother, partner, and leader. you create a ripple effect of positive habits in everyone around you.

It's easy to let everyone else's emergencies get in the way but lets be honest that only keeps us stuck in overwhelm and keeps us from living the life we deserve. It's time to day NO MORE. 

We don't play small with our lives here. It's time to bid farewell to mediocrity and step into the life you were meant to live and are WORTHY of living.

When you're surrounded by strong, uplifting women who live authentically and stay true to their values anything is possible. Own who you are fully without judgment.  

Together, we uplift each other through triumphs and challenges, but also hold each other accountable to what we say we're going to do.

It's time you

design a life 

YOU absolutely


real talk...


You were wondering...

Is The Best. You. Yet. right for me?

If you're a women who is tired of feeling like you are last on your list, while taking care of everyone else in your life and you're craving freedom, balance and you're READY to PRIORITIZE YOU again... then YES this group of Women is for you. . 

It's a membership, but what do I actually get?

You get access to weekly LIVE Coaching calls with Meredith where you will get hot-seat coaching and real-time support, you also get access to the Masterclass vault (past teachings on confidence, goal-setting, and life audits to help you organize your life. Last but not least, a community of incredible like-minded Women to come along side you, cheer for you and support you. We also have specific areas for Prayer Requests, Recipes and Exclusive Discounts on products that support your life, health and well-being. 

I don't have kids, am I going to feel left out?

Absolutely NOT! This community isn't built for one particular season of life. The beautiful thing is every woman is in a different season and can offer so much wisdom to each other with their unique values, perspectives and goals they are working towards. I work with CEO level women who are empty nesters, to women who have no children, to women with a bunch of littles running around. All 3 face very similar struggles and have many commonalities. You are in good company :)

I'm exhausted - I feel like I've tried everything, why should I do this, too?

First off, I'm so sorry. But let me tell you, I've been there too. Not too long ago, I felt like my head was barely above water. It felt like everything I tried was just causing me to fall deeper and deeper into a sea of overwhelm. UNTIL - I got around women who were able to pull me up alongside of them. Remind me of who I was and be there to support me every step of the way. It was the first time in my life I felt SEEN and UNDERSTOOD. 

You are deserving of every desire you have in your heart.

You are worth the effort to make to reclaim your time, prioritize your well-being, and find the happiness and confidence you've been yearning for.

 You just need to believe in yourself again + Get around some women who support you through it all.

You are Worthy, of prioritizing you again.

Is For You    

You know you're meant for MORE and want to be surrounded with women who cheer for you and bring out your best. 

You're tired of putting everyone else first and want to prioritize YOU again...

You're craving accountability, guidance and new habits  to improve your life and help you maximize your time.


You KNOW in your heart you're ready to do things different and you're looking for like-minded women to come alongside you on your journey to The Best. You. Yet.

Join the best you yet →


Join us inside today!

The Best. You. Yet.

is just for you!